PSA: Get Out'cha Feelings

Ladies and gentlemen, we need to gain control over our reactions to the things people say and do to us.

For real.

This is something that I have to remind myself of daily so I am sharing it with you in case you need a reminder as well.

No one can MAKE you mad, or MAKE you sad, or MAKE you feel any kind of way. If you feel "some kind of way" it's because you chose to feel that way.

Case in point. Yesterday, I witnessed someone get angry over something incredibly petty and for the next five minutes she went into a rage (with herself) over the pettiness. Was it the other individual's fault that she became this angry? No. She CHOSE to get angry and she CHOSE to cuss and fuss about it in a room by herself for five minutes. Lord, bless her.

Listen. People are going to do and say things that you don't like. It's unavoidable. What IS avoidable, though, is the way we allow OUR peace of mind to be altered as a result.

It all boils down to one simple concept: effective communication. And let me just throw it out there that this lesson is one that I am still taking courses for myself. So I am not here trying to be all holier than thou when in fact, I have to repent for my reactions to things on a weekly if not daily basis.

Still, we're all friends here and friends learn and grow together, right? Right. So let's continue.

Effective communication. Instead of sulking or fuming, take a deep breath, say a silent prayer and welcome the Holy Spirit into the situation to intercede on your behalf, if need be, and calmly tell your "offender" how his or her words or actions made you feel. If communicating with the person is not in either person's best interest at the time, go and talk to God about it instead. The key is to express yourself with love for as it is written, "Love covers a multitude of sins." <3

I have had too many anxiety bubbles in my stomach as a result of not taking control of my reactions to things that bother me and this stops today. After witnessing how angry this young woman became at this person and how long she allowed her anger to play out, I talked to God immediately about delivering me from the same circumstance.

And yes, it's easier said than done. But it starts and ends with prayer. I haven't written here in a while and it's because in my absence I have been working on growing in spiritual maturity. One of the things I've learned is that observing the flaws in others opens my eyes to similar flaws within myself and I thank God for that.

Additionally, I strive to be more like Him: "slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love." One of the areas for which I seek deliverance is for my temper and my tendency to be QUICK to anger. I am easily irritated when things don't go my way or when people say things I don't agree with or that I feel is a personal attack against me.

So yes, this reminder is more so being written for me, less as a quick lesson for you, dear reader.

But again, we are all friends here...and friends grow and learn together, right? Right.

So if you're sitting over there still angry or upset about something:

Life is too short and your peace of mind too precious to waste any of it with unhealthy negative energy. We are commanded to love and pray for those who wrongfully use and persecute us. Trust me, it may not seem so at the time, but there is a freedom in doing so that is truly beautiful.

I'm ready, though, so come at me, bro. I have allowed the enemy to have a field day with my emotions for entirely too long. Let the battle commence. Try to make me mad. Go 'head. Try to upset me. I love any reason to pray so again, come. at. me. bro. *sucks tongue* 



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