Good evening, friends! Just a quick post here before I go to bed...wanna speak briefly about this whole Mercury Retrograde thing. If you don't know what it is, Google it for details. The basic gist, however, is that Mercury is on some next ish and it has communication all out of wack. Now, I know plenty of people who don't believe in it. View it the way they view astrology: for entertainment purposes only. But ya'll. On the real. God created the UNIVERSE...not just planet Earth. So we are all connected...believe that. We ARE affected by what's happening in that large, expansive, galaxy-filled space that surrounds us...and the reality of that IS quite entertaining, to say the least. I for one have been feeling the effects of Mercury's shenanigans, particularly being a Gemini ruled by the planet Mercury. My phone and internet service have been especially dodgy, for one, but the most evident has been in the petty quarrels I've been having with my friend. Our arguments have been so ridiculous but I'm starting to see the connection...and we're both Geminis at that. God help us. But that's just it. Only God can see us through these times of the year where everyone is PMSing for weeks on end and can't seem to figure out why. I have been keeping myself together during this time by ensuring that my daily communication with HIM stays intact. Mercury is in retrograde until October 25. I am going to use this period of miscommunication to draw within to myself. To stay in prayer and daily meditation with the Lord, and to really focus on my personal growth. I love the image above because it reminds me to transform this into a spiritual experience. A lesson in understanding, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. My friend and I have deleted each other's numbers and who knows when we'll speak again...probably not until Mercury goes direct in a few weeks. However, my experience with him coupled with my knowledge of the planetary influence in it all, has me on guard for the next day, the next conversation, the next misunderstanding. I pray that you all thrive during this month's retrograde. Be compassionate, be patient, be kind, be understanding. Love your fellow Geminis and Virgos more than ever. Regroup, recharge, reevaluate your life. Get your ish together. Good night, y'all! ♡

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