The Hipsters are Appropriating Pop Culture

Social Justice Berserker. Asexual and unashamed. 'They/Them/their' pronouns unless otherwise noted.




Red Hood and the Outlaws #12 cover

I feel like this is an homage to a Star Wars poster.

SOLICIT reads:



Art and cover by KENNETH ROCAFORT

On sale AUGUST 15 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T

• STARFIRE has made it all the way to TAMARAN only to find herself caught between the forces of THE BLIGHT and the political maneuvering of her sister, BLACKFIRE.

• How will JASON protect ISABEL on what has become an intergalactic date from Hell?

Kenneth Rocafort is a very talented artist, but can someone please freaking show him how women actually stand?

And this is where I get snarky, because please, the only thing that would make the blonde woman look more like a stereotypical distressed damsel/rescue romance is if they stuck her in a princess dress and tied her up. Ugh.

(Let’s not even get into the fact her middle is uncanny valley levels of skinny. It looks like it’s the same size as Jason’s hand. That is creepy as fuck.)

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    #sort of #i guess #with each reveal #i’m getting more and more certain #that Scott Lobdell is a hyper-masturbating 12...
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    #with each reveal #i’m getting more and more certain#that Scott Lobdell is a hyper-masturbating 12 year old boy from the...
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  6. voxvulpina reblogged this from silvanoir and added:
    What is this, some 80s B sci-fi movie?? When did The Lost Days become Red Hood: The Lost-in-space Days? Somebody kill me...
  7. silvanoir reblogged this from daddywarbats and added:
    I would like this if it was Cyborg instead of Jason and Sarah instead of Isabel. Because nothing about this says...
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  10. mrgammakay reblogged this from peppers-pray and added:
    WELL. It’s official. Despite loving all three of the main characters I’m going to have to stop buying Red Hood because...
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    so beautiful -sheds tears-
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    I’m curious about where Isabel’s internal organs have gone. Jason might want to look into that. JUS’ SAYIN’.
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