The Hipsters are Appropriating Pop Culture

Social Justice Berserker. Asexual and unashamed. 'They/Them/their' pronouns unless otherwise noted.






Wait.  Do you hear that?

Do you know what that sound is?

That is the final nail being hammered into the coffin of any interest I had in the DCnU version of Tim Drake/Red Robin.

No. Bruce was never just a ‘means to a end’ to Tim. Bruce was the reason Tim became Robin. For Bruce, because Batman needs a Robin. He was the biggest influence on Tim there was.

Dear god, I really want to see the sales numbers on the new 52. What the hell are they seeing that makes them think this is a good idea?

Although, entirely besides the point, I’m amused by the Drakes here. They’re actually pretty close to their original canon portrayal here, which knowing Lobdell, is entirely unintentional. They were decent-if generic-parents prior to Janet being killed off. Somewhat hypocritical when push came to shove regarding their principles versus their survival, but most people in their situation probably would have been.

(I’m still reading Detective Comics 618-621, and in between raging over Alan Grant’s racist and wildly inaccurate portrayal of Haiti and Vodou, I’m giggling over how far canon for Jack, and fanon for him and Janet, have drifted from their original portrayal. I have to make scans to show you guys, it’s hilarious. )

(via afewnovelideas)

  1. peppermintquinn reblogged this from ink-and-roses
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  5. chibifoxie reblogged this from afewnovelideas
  6. ink-and-roses reblogged this from afewnovelideas and added:
    Reblogging because THIS^^ Also, because everyone should realize how fully ridiculous this is. I haven’t followed Tim...
  7. afewnovelideas reblogged this from batgirlincorporated and added:
    ———- Hear! Hear!
  8. sunshinepatch reblogged this from elfgrove and added:
    “Tim pushed himself because he wanted to be the best. The best gymnast. The best student. The best at everything. And he...
  9. bravebold said: already afraid let me see, just saw some things and WTH Lobdell. Tim is almost a Mary Sue…
  10. elfgrove reblogged this from redriot and added:
    DC has completely lost track of the concept of robins having differing skill sets. *sigh* What’s the next page? His...
  11. willowrosenberg1997 reblogged this from gabzilla-z
  12. soot-em-up reblogged this from lectorel and added:
    It continues to boggle me that DC is unable to grasp the notion that so many AU fic writers do - that no matter how much...
  13. shadow-hikari said: Like can we just come out and say we stole Dick’s origin and subtracted the circus and dead parents, or rather seemed to but all the foreshadowing suggests to me he’ll be parentless by the end. :/
  14. redriot reblogged this from gabzilla-z and added:
    What. Is this bullshit.
  15. gabzilla-z posted this