The Hipsters are Appropriating Pop Culture

Social Justice Berserker. Asexual and unashamed. 'They/Them/their' pronouns unless otherwise noted.



Body dysphoria feels like the worst-fitting outfit you’ve ever put together, but you can never take it off. Or sometimes it’s more like a pebble in your shoe, or a belt that digs into your side, or a tiny thing that is just noticeable enough to throw your day off. Some days I wake up and it’s just there. Some days it’s because I tried to fit my not-so-masculine body into my masculine clothes, and the parts that didn’t fit made me want to scream and disappear and puke up all my guts at the same time. It can grow into a scary place where I don’t know if my body belongs to me, and I feel like I’ve been detached from something essential and am about to wash out to sea. 

that is thhe best description of it i’ve ever heard oh wow

(via avfwdrugec)

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