
I have to apologize for the no-frills nature of this entry. Low carb pizza in a pizza-loving household is scarfed down pretty quickly, with no time to stage macro shots of grated cheese or freshly cut basil leaves. 

I’ve been meaning to put this one up for a while, and finally being able to test out the ratios again, I am able to share it with you!

To be sure, this is no low calorie recipe. This crust is all cheese and almond meal, with some apparently dangerous-for-you egg and some spices to round out the flavor. Once cooked, you top it with whatever pizza toppings of your liking and broil it to perfection. The first time we made this in the Baconpalooza house it was like a revelation - after trying and failing with cauliflower crusts, pork rind crusts, you name it. This is pretty darn close to an actual bread-y pizza crust. It’s a keto indulgence for those days you feel like ordering pizza but don’t want to fall off the wagon. 

Recipe after the jump!

Low Carb Pizza Crust

Makes a medium-sized pizza crust, enough for 6 slices (feeds 2-3). ~1.5g net carbs per slice of crust. 

For the method I have outlined, I would recommend par-cooking any toppings that need to be softened a bit first, before topping the pizza to broil - depending on how cooked through you like things. Meats like pepperoni can go on as-is and they will brown up nicely, but onions and peppers, for example, need a bit of help before the broiler. 

Jarred pizza sauces tend to have a lot of extra sugar - for less carbs you could make one from scratch and omit or sub the sugar, or use a marinara sauce that has been reduced a bit on the stove. 

2/3 c Almond Meal
3 c grated Cheddar, Mozzarella and Parmesan (we used 2 c cheddar, 2/3c mozzarella and 1/3 c parmesan)
1 egg, beaten
4-5 dashes italian seasoning
1 tsp caraway seeds
dash or 2 salt

Throw all the ingredients into a medium mixing bowl and mix by hand. Shape into the shape you want, about ½"-2/3" thick, and place in a lightly greased, non-stick frying pan or skillet. It’s generally easier to just shape it right in the frying pan. 

Cook over medium heat until it looks browned and the crust is bubbling and puffing up, then flip and continue cooking until browned and cooked through. 

Remove crust to a parchment paper lined baking sheet or pizza pan and top with sauce, cheese and toppings of your choice. Cook pizza under the broiler of your oven until cheese is melted and toppings are cooked to your liking. 

Slice pizza and enjoy!