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MyBatis SqlBuilder Rewritten!

MyBatis SqlBuilder is one of the few SQL builders that allows you to generate pretty Pre-Processed SQL. That is SQL that has place holders. 

Now MyBatis SqlBuilder is sort of a joke in that it uses ThreadLocal… seriously ThreadLocal for an extremely simple DSL.  I would expect that from something like Hibernate but a tiny one class DSL. In fact when I first saw it I decided I would probably never use/need it because things like JOOQ and QueryDSL exist.

However I recently implemented my own Immutable ORM and need some simple SQL for Spring JDBC.

Consequently I ported MyBatis SqlBuilder to JATL style. In other words the better way to do this is to use Anonymous classes and/or Fluent style.

My Gist Here: The above Gist might not show because Tumblr sucks.