Operation GTFO the indoor arena: accomplished x2

Except it actually kind of sucked because the first time, one of the other horses was flipping her shit and we didn’t want to give the 3rd (baby greenie) horse a bad experience so we had to turn around before we even got to the forest preserve, and I don’t know how to get there so I couldn’t just go back myself after. And then the second time, Pearl started off fine but Tucker started flipping his shit as soon as he couldn’t see her, but they could obviously hear each other across the property so that got Pearl all antsy even though she hacks alone out just fine normally (crazy Trakehners amirite) and I didn’t want Tuck to give himself a heart attack running the fence line. At least the second one I salvaged by sticking to the part where Tucker could see her and we did a million walk/halt transitions on the hill in an attempt to un-atrophy her butt. But mostly it just made me sad because all I could think of is how much more fun it would be with Jo because on the way to the forest preserve there were all these little ditches we could’ve jumped and if our two were wound up we would just canter it out, but they wouldn’t be because they love trails. And the hilly track would be perfect for doing trot and canter sets with Pearl but we couldn’t because, y'know, she can’t trot or canter. Poopyheads.