August 16, 2014
“ This probably has already been talked about, but I was going through John’s blog the other day and this bit caught my attention. Why is John assuming there was just one sniper, when we were shown clearly that there were multiple...


This probably has already been talked about, but I was going through John’s blog the other day and this bit caught my attention. Why is John assuming there was just one sniper, when we were shown clearly that there were multiple laser dots, both on Sherlock and on John? It is such a weird thing to assume, because Moriarty never says anything about this in the episode…  And that bit about ‘his John Watson’? What’s up with that? I know that it’s a nod to canon about Moran but it’s such a weird thing for John to assume…

Mofftiss said in one of the post-s3 interviews that the whole Moriarty plot was planned ‘a long time ago’. What if this is supposed to be a clue for the Mary is Moran theory? It’s no secret that Moriarty is a mirror to Sherlock and that if you look at Mary she’s a mirror to John (blond, medical background, serving the country in the CIA, but now gone rogue). They never say this in the show itself, granted, but the blog contains so many other clues about Johnlock that I don’t think it’s a far-fetched to assume it contains clues about other plot points as well (and it’s teamwork as Joe Lidster said). Coupled with the way Mary signs some of her comments on the blog (all these are pre-Sherlock’s return, incidentally…):

which is reminiscent of the way someone ELSE signs their text messages:

Just a thought.

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