Austin Kleon — Jim Flora :: Woodcuts IN NOVEMBER 2006, Flora’s...

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Jim Flora :: Woodcuts
“IN NOVEMBER 2006, Flora’s son Joel discovered in his garage attic a large box of his father’s original woodcuts and copper engravings, dating from around 1940 to 1960. The 15 or so blocks and plates appeared to be...

Jim Flora :: Woodcuts

IN NOVEMBER 2006, Flora’s son Joel discovered in his garage attic a large box of his father’s original woodcuts and copper engravings, dating from around 1940 to 1960. The 15 or so blocks and plates appeared to be well-preserved, and included several works for which prints had not previously been found.

Above: woodcut on plywood from 1946, and an undated print.

Source: jim flora woodcuts printmaking

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