Austin Kleon — Mike Monteiro, You’re My Favorite Client Mike’s...

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Mike Monteiro, You’re My Favorite Client
Mike’s last book, Design Is A Job, was so good I put it on the reading list in the back of Show Your Work! Here’s what I wrote about that one:
“ Jim @Coudal really had it nailed: “Thank God @Mike_FTW didn’t...

Mike Monteiro, You’re My Favorite Client

Mike’s last book, Design Is A Job, was so good I put it on the reading list in the back of Show Your Work! Here’s what I wrote about that one:

Jim @Coudal really had it nailed: “Thank God @Mike_FTW didn’t write “Design is a Job” ten years ago. If we had read it then we’d probably still have clients today. #phew” If I had this book only 3 months ago, I might’ve stayed at my agency job. If I had this book four or five years ago, I might still be doing web design…

So it was a real pleasure for me to write the foreword to the great sequel, You’re My Favorite Client. Here’s a snippet:

Disasters of design usually spring from the faulty notion that design is art, not craft. Mike’s first book, Design Is A Job, gave designers a swift kick in the pants, admonishing them to wake up, ditch their artsy-­fartsy egos, and start taking responsibility for their work. In this new book, Mike demystifies design for non­designers, showing them that good design is not the product of “creatives” pulling rabbits from a magical hat, but a rigorous process of problem ­solving, performed by professionals.


Filed under: Mike Monteiro, my reading year 2014

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