Austin Kleon — Louis C.K., “Girls vs. Boys, from Chewed Up...

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Louis C.K., “Girls vs. Boys, from Chewed Up (2008)

“Here’s the difference, to me, between boys and girls: Boys fuck things up; Girls are fucked up. That’s the difference. Boys just do damage to your house that you can measure in dollars, like a hurricane. Girls, like, leave scars in your psyche that you find later, like a genocide or an atrocity… That’s the difference between boys and girls. And it becomes the difference between men and women, really. A man will, like, steal your car or burn your house down or beat the shit out of you, but a woman will ruin your fuckin’ life. Do you see the difference? Like, a man will cut your arm off and throw it in a river, but he’ll leave you as a human being intact. He won’t fuck with who you are. Women are nonviolent, but they will shit inside of your heart.”

My wife and I about died watching this. So funny. Found via @marykarrlit.

Source: louis ck comedy men women parenting kids

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