Austin Kleon — E. B. White with his dachshund, Minnie, and his...

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E. B. White with his dachshund, Minnie, and his letter to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:
“ I have your letter, undated, saying that I am harboring an unlicensed dog in violation of the law. If by “harboring” you mean...

E. B. White with his dachshund, Minnie, and his letter to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:

I have your letter, undated, saying that I am harboring an unlicensed dog in violation of the law. If by “harboring” you mean getting up two or three times every night to pull Minnie’s blanket up over her, I am harboring a dog all right.

Filed under: dudes with their dachshunds

Source: dachshunds dogs e.b. white letters

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