Austin Kleon — On “guilty” pleasures and liking pop music

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Over at Forbes, Michele Catalano writes about liking pop music:

The defenders of pop – myself included – are often put on the defensive, made to offer up excuses as to why we like what we do. No one should have to defend their musical choices. No artist who worked hard to get where they are should be roundly dismissed because their music doesn’t fit some elitist standard. No one should have to feel, like Grimes did, ashamed about what they like, ashamed enough to delete the evidence of their penchant for pop.

She also wrote a piece about “guilty pleasures”:

I don’t like the phrase guilty pleasure. It implies that you should feel guilty, shamed or embarrassed for liking something that brings you joy. No song that gives you pleasure should also give you a sense of guilt. Own what you like, revel in it. If it makes you feel good – and pop hits should make you feel good – don’t let that be a burden to you.

cf: Dave Grohl and Alan Jacobs: “Read at whim! Read what gives you delight—at least most of the time—and do so without shame.”

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