Austin Kleon — Interview with Paul Madonna Paul does the great...

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Interview with Paul Madonna
Paul does the great comic, All Over Coffee.
“I never know what to call myself really. I call myself a cartoonist because it’s what I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember, it’s what I always return to, and it’s how...

Interview with Paul Madonna

Paul does the great comic, All Over Coffee.

I never know what to call myself really. I call myself a cartoonist because it’s what I’ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember, it’s what I always return to, and it’s how I think. But I don’t really work in that field. I think I’m an artist and a writer, or more appropriately, an artist who writes.

As opposed to a writer who draws

Source: paul madonna sketchbooks should be sketchy interviews comics cartooning career

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