Come ride with us on the bus to Pescadaro as we spend an afternoon with Steve Blank.

In addition, thanks to team Prawg for the following recap on last week’s visit with Steve Blank: 

Last week the west coast Summer@Highland teams had the opportunity to visit the Steve Blank ranch. Steve Blank is as prolific educator, thought leader, and the author of various influential books outlining the secrets to make the entrepreneurship journey a little less rocky. 

While at the ranch, Steve allowed us to query his brain for a chance to gain a better understanding of how successful entrepreneurs work and some of their secrets. 

Some of the key points that Steve had to share with the Summer@Highland teams were:

  • Successful founders are artists. Each successful founder has the rare ability to start with a blank canvas and have the vision to create something unique. This ability comes from a founder’s ability to have a vision and see the world in a way that others cannot.
  • Founders need to be and attract people who are more productive than normal people. Steve referred to these people as the 100x people. 
  • Steve shared his belief that if you don’t have passion for what you are doing and you aren’t giving it all of your energy, you are better off working at McDonalds, because you won’t make any money as an entrepreneur. 
  • Founders need to have a unique perception and ability to recognize patterns as well as understand their users. By asking the right questions users will share information about problems they didn’t know they even had.

Throughout the evening, Steve was persistent in driving home the importance of the founding team and their ability to have extraordinary potential. He was adamant that if you don’t have these qualities, if you don’t have the passion, and if you don’t believe you are the person who is going to make your success happen, then it is time for you to re-evaluate your position as a founder. 

Getting to go to Steve Blanks ranch and have a fireside chat with him was a remarkable chance for us to hear his incredible story and wisdom first-hand. This was a great experience that we will all get to remember as we continue our entrepreneurial journey and one day hope to become as successful in our own ways.

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