August 15, 2014
“#standforferguson Charity Wallpaper Set, $1+
Some of you may have been hearing about what’s going on in Ferguson, MO, a suburb of St. Louis about 20 minutes from my house.
The long and the short of it is that over the weekend, an unarmed...


#standforferguson Charity Wallpaper Set, $1+

Some of you may have been hearing about what’s going on in Ferguson, MO, a suburb of St. Louis about 20 minutes from my house. 

The long and the short of it is that over the weekend, an unarmed black man named Michael Brown was killed by a police officer. Since then, things have spiraled downward, into violations of basic First Amendment rights. I could go on, but you’d likely be better served looking it up yourself.

That being said, I’m offering a charity wallpaper in order to raise funds to donate to the NAACP and ACLU, as both organizations are actively working towards finding justice both for Michael Brown and his family, as well as the greater population of Ferguson.

If you cannot donate, that’s absolutely fine, but I do ask that you try to educate yourself and others as to what’s going on in Ferguson. Tyranny is real, and it is on our soil right now.


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