May 29, 2012
“ ericmortensen:
“ officialssay:
“ Mitt Romney’s new iPhone app, misspelling America. (via @thischoi)
Alright people. Take a moment. Savor it. This is as good as it gets.
I sincerely hope the Barack Obama Tumblr account reblogs this.




Mitt Romney’s new iPhone app, misspelling America. (via @thischoi

Alright people. Take a moment. Savor it. This is as good as it gets. 

I sincerely hope the Barack Obama Tumblr account reblogs this.

(via spytap)

  1. snookes44-blog reblogged this from uscdems and added:
    and this is why he lost. plus, he’s a dumb butt.
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    I am well aware this has been reblogged a LOT. It’s just that I cannot get over it. HA.
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