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Carb Cycling: Low carb days

I already posted about my high carb days. Now that I’ve been carb cycling for over a week (day 9 tomorrow) I have had 5 low carb days. These are 10x harder to get through. That being said I still feel like this is the easiest “diet” I’ve ever done. I finally feel like I’ve found a balance. Once I’ve achieved my fitness goals I will change my routine and do an easier cycle. Right now I’m doing LC, LC, HC, LC, LC, HC, re-feed day. It’s difficult to get through two LC days, but I’m seeing and feelings results already.

My biggest challenge with carb cycling is my job. With this plan I’m supposed to eat every 3 hours and drink 2L of water. I work in a hospital so eating every 3 hours is not always possible. I often only get half my recommended water intake (if that!).

Those are my goals for this week: increase water intake and eat properly every 3 hours!!!!

  1. fit-britt posted this