November 15, 2011
“A Sand County Almanac”


(image from, the independent bookseller and Northwest landmark.)


“There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace. To avoid the first danger, one should plant a garden, preferably where there is no grocer to confuse the issue. To avoid the second, he should lay a split of good oak on the andirons, preferably where there is no furnace, and let it warm his shins while a February blizzard tosses the trees outside. If one has cut, split, hauled, and piled his own good oak, and let his mind work the while, he will remember much about where heat comes from, and with a wealth of detail denied to those who spend the weekend in town astride a radiator.”

Aldo Leopold (via amongflora-and-fauna)

Two sidenotes: 1) Seriously, bless you, Aldo. Bless this man. 2) If any of you have even the faintest interest in animals, natural history, the land, all the wonderful little things that happen on it, and how that relates to you and your ethical life, I have a strong feeling you’d love A Sand County Almanac (1949). 

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