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Since all the #MarchforLife stuff is going on, here’s a little dose of cited reality for you all


Here’s the link to my old abortion references mega-post.

Some more factoids:

Remember, abortion rates remain the same whether it’s legal or not.

Seriously though, banning it doesn’t stop it from happening.

Pro-lifers get abortions too, though they cleverly justify them.

Abortion existed before Roe v. Wade. In fact, it’s existed since the premodern world.

Mother Jones wrote a great piece about what life was like before Roe v. Wade. (Spoiler alert: Harrowing.)

When someone can’t access a legal abortion, they’ll find another way to have one.

The pro-life protesters who stand outside of clinics frighten women into finding a non-public alternative. Patients of Kermit Gosnell (who performed illegal abortions and killed several patients and infants) said they saw him because they were afraid of the protesters at Planned Parenthood.

The Bible actually goes back and forth a lot about the whole abortion thing.

Public funding for places like Planned Parenthood prevent about 800,000 abortions every year.

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