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My ex always marginalized and degraded the fact that I’m Jewish. All sorts of Holocaust jokes were the norm, despite the number of times I told him they made me angry and were otherwise offensive. It got to the point that I was told to take off my Star of David and told not to act Jewish. 


  1. blackingbaritone reblogged this from microaggressions
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  3. kendrawashere reblogged this from microaggressions and added:
    And you haven’t ended the relationship?
  4. alidannikane reblogged this from microaggressions
  5. owlsfleur reblogged this from microaggressions
  6. jake-hamby reblogged this from microaggressions
  7. cestmoimaintenant reblogged this from microaggressions
  8. pathless-wood reblogged this from microaggressions and added:
    Yeah, this is upsetting. I’ve seen it in action (a couple I’m friends with, and one making Jewish jokes about the other...
  9. microaggressions posted this
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