Singapore has one of the best educational systems in the world, according to international assessments, and its teacher training program has been cited as one reason why. As the country increases the use of digital devices in schools, it’s making a...

Singapore has one of the best educational systems in the world, according to international assessments, and its teacher training program has been cited as one reason why. As the country increases the use of digital devices in schools, it’s making a parallel effort to train teachers not just in the latest tech trends – like how to work a SmartBoard or what app to use to practice fractions – but in how to determine when and why to use technology.

But the broader goal of the Classroom of the Future is to get Singapore’s future teaching force and visitors to consider how new technologies could change education. Could 4D –where actual sounds and smells join with 3D models – increase student learning? What are new ways for students to share information and ideas? Would video conferencing with foreign peers make students more globally conscious?

(via In Singapore, training teachers for the ‘Classroom of the Future’ | Hechinger Report)

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