Two Syrian refugees in Iraq’s Kawergosk camp at risk of becoming ‘lost schoolgirls’
Cibar, a bright, beautiful girl, is deaf. Even when times are good, she needs specialized help. For just over a month, she’s been living in Kawergosk refugee camp in...

Two Syrian refugees in Iraq’s Kawergosk camp at risk of becoming ‘lost schoolgirls’

Cibar, a bright, beautiful girl, is deaf. Even when times are good, she needs specialized help. For just over a month, she’s been living in Kawergosk refugee camp in northern Iraq, one of the more than 61,000 Syrian refugees who have arrived since the middle of August – bringing the total registered in Iraq to 196,843. Before that, the conflict kept her away from school. Her story is tragically common.

Why, with all that’s happened, does school matter so much? Adla starts crying. “Because I want to help my mother and father,” she says, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. But there’s no way for Adla to do that. There’s no secondary school in Kawergosk. And there is certainly no special needs teaching for Cibar.

(via Field diary: Two Syrian refugees in Iraq’s Kawergosk camp at risk of becoming ‘lost schoolgirls’ | Back on Track)

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