The Rock has never been a small guy but when you look at these two photos side-by-side it’s an amazing transformation.
It’s picture proof of what 5 years of hard work can get you. I’m not saying that in 5 years you’re going to look like the photo on...

The Rock has never been a small guy but when you look at these two photos side-by-side it’s an amazing transformation.

It’s picture proof of what 5 years of hard work can get you. I’m not saying that in 5 years you’re going to look like the photo on the right. Chances are you’re not starting off with a base that resembles the photo on the left so you need to adjust your goals accordingly.

Don’t get sucked in and sidetracked by magazine headlines about the latest fad diet or “six-pack abs in less than 10 minutes a day” workouts. Work hard, eat healthy and stick to your plan. The results will follow. 

Also, The Rock maintains a pretty solid Twitter feed. [@TheRock]

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