April 23, 2012
“ Who claims that there was, in the world, a certain Musidora – haughty, capricious, depraved, as venomous as a scorpion, so malicious that we looked under her skirt to see if she hadn’t a cloven hoof? A Musidora without a soul, without pity, without...

Who claims that there was, in the world, a certain Musidora – haughty, capricious, depraved, as venomous as a scorpion, so malicious that we looked under her skirt to see if she hadn’t a cloven hoof? A Musidora without a soul, without pity, without remorse, who deceived even the lover she chose; a vampire of gold and silver, drinking down the heir’s legacy like a glass of soda water to whet her appetite; a mocking demon, casting over all things her piercing, discordant laughter; an odious courtesan, resurrecting the orgies of ancient days, without even the excuse of Messalina’s ardor? Those who say so are surely mistaken.

- Théophile Gautier, Fortunio (1836)

Fortunio is where Musidora (aka Jeanne Roques) found the name that she would take as her own.

4:53pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZLkSrxKBNflm
Filed under: musidora 
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