July 21, 2014
“I’ve been working on something and the first rule is: You don’t talk about it…
But Chuck Palahniuk talks about it here on USA...


I’ve been working on something and the first rule is: You don’t talk about it…

But Chuck Palahniuk talks about it here on USA Today:


I will be on the FIGHT CLUB panel with Chuck Palahniuk & director David Fincher this Saturday at San Diego Comicon. I will be signing the new MUSE art book (in ltd supply) at Century Guild booth# 2845 Wed-Sunday. And a signing with Chuck & the Fight Club crew on Sunday. I’ll be doing all the cover art for Fight Club (10 issues). Here is the teaser image… which may just be available as a limited edition print at the signing I’m doing with Chuck at SDCC. Shhh.


6:05pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZLraZy1M7ale2
Filed under: fight club 
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