March 11, 2014
"And so Silicon Roundabout has metastasised into Tech City, possibly because everyone feels a bit silly saying Silicon Roundabout. New name, same basic idea, but with misguided government glitz. Tech City is very big on “incubators” – places where startups are supposed to grow out of a collection of adjacent desks in a huge barracks of other adjacent desks – and on luring big firms to the East End of London. It’s a lot less interested in small, weird companies in small, cheap offices, plumbing the unplumbably weird problem space of late 21st-century capitalism."

— Cory Doctorow skewers the hypocrisy of both local and national government in this great, sad story of the slow death of London’s Silicon Roundabout, a silly non-name coined to mock precisely what it then inexorably became, quite despite itself. 

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