July 26, 2011

Window to the World is a concept design project from Toyota Motor Europe and the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. I love the disclaimer at the beginning of the film, which loosely translates as: “Toyota would obviously never ever encourage any passenger in any car ever not to wear a seatbelt. Ever. But in order for the child actress to demonstrate the idea here, she kind of has to not wear a seatbelt, so there we have it.”

I suppose I like the idea of transforming an auto’s interior environment, but some of the ideas here don’t really hold up. The car window will speak words to me? a) why? and b) how long will it take the driver to beg for mercy? You can trace objects on the horizon to create drawings on the window? Ok, and something passengers have done in a lo-fi way since car windows were installed. In this instance, it seems like it’d work when the car is stationary, but what about when zipping along at speed?

I hazard that the designers have become bewitched by the possibilities afforded by technology, they’ve forgotten to think what might be useful or fun for those in the car. Shame, though I suppose it does provide some useful food for thought.

(Video flagged by Marilyn Brda.)

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