July 5, 2012
"We are looking at the economy like we look at dill pickles… We’re all focused on the economy of luxury."

— Writer Robert Neuwirth was at TEDGlobal to outline his thesis of “System D,” the informal economy that employs 1.8 billion people, is worth $10 trillion/year–and is the opposite of an economy which works painstakingly to try and remove imperfections (rogue dill pickles) from the system. He does acknowledge that there’s already a pretty extensive coterie of people and companies who are focused on tapping into other parts of the economy (“reverse innovation” springs to mind) developing economies, but this is an interesting and unusual look at a truly informal undocumented part of the system. He shares some great examples from large corporate players such as P&G, UAC Foods and Nigerian SIM card seller, MTM. Well worth a read: this is a topic that’s only going to grow in both importance and prominence.

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