July 20, 2012
Interesting research project from General Electric, which is working with Chart Industries and scientists at the University of Missouri to develop an at-home natural gas refueling station. Including a grant from ARPA-E for the work, the project will...

Interesting research project from General Electric, which is working with Chart Industries and scientists at the University of Missouri to develop an at-home natural gas refueling station. Including a grant from ARPA-E for the work, the project will take 28 months and cost $2.3 million. GE’s release explains: “At-home refueling stations are sold today, but are expensive (~$5000) and require long re-fueling times. The 5-8 hours required to refuel an NG vehicle often leaves overnight re-fueling as the only the viable option for vehicle owners. While these barriers can be more easily managed by established fleets, they are not practical for passenger vehicles parked in the driveway or garage at home.” The goal of the program: to encourage wider adoption of natural gas vehicles, which for the most part currently consist of fleet vehicles such as buses and delivery trucks, and to accelerate the adoption of natural gas as a transportation fuel.
[Story via Marilyn Brda]

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