July 27, 2012

Check out Dr Jay Parkinson talking about Sherpaa, his new healthcare startup that’s looking to disrupt the bloated, creaking, existing healthcare system in the United States. (Well, New York for starters.) Interesting that Tumblr has already signed on to offer the service to its hundreds of employees. As David Karp mentions in the piece, this allows him to compete with the likes of Google and deeper-pocketed competitors when it comes to insurance, which is a huge deal for employees in the U.S. (A rant about that at another time.) I do worry for Amanda Ferri, however, quoted in the piece as heading off to a Sherpaa-prescribed neurologist; we were told she saved money by not having to go to the ER, but we weren’t told that her Sherpaa prognosis was useful, accurate, timely or positive. I hope you’re ok, Amanda!

  1. bballan reblogged this from thoughtyoushouldseethis-blog and added:
    I really hope they figure this out. There are so many legal/regulatory issues I can imagine that would ruin this attempt...
  2. thoughtyoushouldseethis-blog posted this
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