July 27, 2012
The Olympic Games officially start today, after what has seemed like an interminable tour of the United Kingdom by runners carrying the Olympic Flame. (As one wag commented, if only organizers had had access to Google Maps, they’d likely have found...

The Olympic Games officially start today, after what has seemed like an interminable tour of the United Kingdom by runners carrying the Olympic Flame. (As one wag commented, if only organizers had had access to Google Maps, they’d likely have found east London a lot faster.) My British brethren seem to be torn between feelings of pride that London is playing host, and horror at all the attention. As usual, this manifests itself in muttered snarkiness, for the most part good-humored, though the response of the Games’ official body and “brand police” has often been outrageously heavy-handed. Meanwhile, graffiti world legend Banksy has had a few pointed things to paint, which have survived the whitewash to date, while these limited edition tote bags were designed by Tobatron in London, perverting the grim Games logo, which doesn’t seem to get any less hideous with time. Also available: “they’re all on steroids.” Yay! Sports!

[via Creative Review]

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