August 9, 2012

This article on Fast Co Exist was doing the rounds recently, telling the story of University of Rochester researchers tracking Twitter to tell when people are about to get sick. I’m not sure I entirely buy it: the video above seems to suggest that some people in New York are always ill, which seems reasonable in a city of millions. But it’s an interesting experiment and early days for a space that will see sophisticated developments before too long. As my colleague John Vollmer commented drily, “Soon I’ll be able to watch the next pandemic explode towards me almost as fast as I’ll be able to get a plastic bag over my head…” There now. Isn’t that something to look forward to?!

  1. thegiantdude reblogged this from thoughtyoushouldseethis-blog and added:
    Touche sir touche
  2. najasevenfold answered: YES OR MAYBE NOT, WHO KNOWS, IS SOMETHING TO THINK PRA.
  3. thoughtyoushouldseethis-blog posted this
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