“ Bitcoin Arcade Machine
Retro Coin-Op arcade machine updated for modern times, only accepts Bitcoin to play. Developed by Liberty Games - video embedded below:
“ So why did we do this? Well we loved linking the online world of... prostheticknowledge:
“ Bitcoin Arcade Machine
Retro Coin-Op arcade machine updated for modern times, only accepts Bitcoin to play. Developed by Liberty Games - video embedded below:
“ So why did we do this? Well we loved linking the online world of... prostheticknowledge:
“ Bitcoin Arcade Machine
Retro Coin-Op arcade machine updated for modern times, only accepts Bitcoin to play. Developed by Liberty Games - video embedded below:
“ So why did we do this? Well we loved linking the online world of... prostheticknowledge:
“ Bitcoin Arcade Machine
Retro Coin-Op arcade machine updated for modern times, only accepts Bitcoin to play. Developed by Liberty Games - video embedded below:
“ So why did we do this? Well we loved linking the online world of...


Bitcoin Arcade Machine

Retro Coin-Op arcade machine updated for modern times, only accepts Bitcoin to play. Developed by Liberty Games - video embedded below:

So why did we do this? Well we loved linking the online world of Bitcoin with the traditionally offline pool table in our previous project, and it just seemed like a natural evolution to add Bitcoin functionality to what is already something that is computer powered. The way we’ve made this system it can actually be applied to any coin-operated arcade machine, so pretty much anything from classic arcades right up to the latest releases – it’s not actually written into the arcade software at all, as far as the game knows it is receiving a coin payment, so it’s super easy to retro-fit.

Plus arcades seemed like something that would go well together with Bitcoin, we’ve got a feeling a lot of Bitcoin fans may well enjoy a game or two…

More at Liberty Games here

(via prostheticknowledge)