The Chimerist

I continue to use the Paper app constantly. People on the subway are mystified, but my penmanship on the iPad screen is slowly improving, even though I’m still using an AluPen stylus.
I’ve been curious what art and writing apps austinkleon is playing...

I continue to use the Paper app constantly. People on the subway are mystified, but my penmanship on the iPad screen is slowly improving, even though I’m still using an AluPen stylus.

I’ve been curious what art and writing apps austinkleon is playing around with these days. A few months ago he said he worked on his iPad rarely but “used to make blackout poems w/ Brushes and the NYTimes app.” He was planning to leave his laptop behind while on book tour, and if he did I wonder how he’s faring.

Maud Newton

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  12. austinkleon reblogged this from thechimerist and added:
    Ah! This might require its own post. I’ve been traveling exclusively with the iPad, no laptop. It’s had its good points...
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