Esquire Theme by Matthew Buchanan
Social icons by Tim van Damme



Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today was my last full day in Aix.

That was really weird to type.

Last night, everyone that was still in town met at Hotel de Ville for our last night out as a group. We easily had 75 people there by 11p.m. and our crowd just kept growing until well after midnight. It was fantastic seeing everyone, but it was definitely not so fantastic knowing that everyone would be leaving at some point in the next two days. 

And we most definitely did not jump in the Rotunde fountain.

But if we did, it would only have been to celebrate our last night here.

I spent today wandering around town with my cousin Carla, who stopped here for the day on her way to Paris. We went to the Grande Marché, bought a picnic lunch and flowers for my host family, ate at the Pavillon Vendôme (the park near my house), walked around town for a while, and then got smoothies at a café before she had to leave to catch her train to Paris. And Danielle and I are having our last meal with our host family tonight, so I’m sure that Mireille has prepared something delicious.

For my last Saturday in Aix, that is exactly what I wanted to do.

In 15 hours, I will be leaving Aix for the foreseeable future, which only extends to next May, so that statement isn’t too dramatic. My housemate leaves before me, so I’m getting up at some ridiculous hour to say goodbye to her, and then I’m leaving for Marseille around 10 tomorrow morning.

I’m definitely not ready to say goodbye. 

Full Disclosure: I started crying while I was typing this.