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Hey guys… wonder if this:


was really a “So are you OK with the script?” “Yes of course… I’m very excited to work with Benedict & Martin.“ type of “run in to each other” moment?

Guys… what would you do if Mark & Steven were able to pull off such a secret? Then randomly while watching Season 3 of Sherlock, “Surprise! It’s Hiddles!“

I’m seriously curious of what your reactions would be…


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  3. lisademonhead reblogged this from deathbygatiss and added:
    I agree with deathbygatiss.
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  6. deathbygatiss reblogged this from blondeninja311 and added:
    Or how about they’re about to be in a big Shakespeare play together that has already sold out, AND they were both at...
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    I would probably pass out. #nojoke
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