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Turns out Emmy Voters Don’t Watch Korra

Since The Legend of Korra is on in primetime, Book 2 was eligible for two Emmy Awards: Animated Program and Character Voice-Over Performance. Unfortunately, the show didn’t garner any nominations — which makes you wonder if anyone voting actually watches The Legend of Korra (short answer: probably not). Archer, Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, South Park, and Nick’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are fine shows. Great shows (I’m not the biggest fan of this current incarnation of TMNT). But animation means two things to the common voter: A half hour comedy like The Simpsons or a kid’s show. TMNT brand awareness probably has something to do with its inclusion. Legend of Korra isn’t an easy show to label or describe with one-line. It’s too hard to vote for.

As for the voice-over noms… c'mon Television Academy! Get it together! Janet Varney! J.K. Simmons! Steven Yeun as Wan! Seth MacFarlane, Seth Green, and Harry Shearer do fine jobs on their respective shows, but they’re examples of voters choosing with a rubber stamp. Veterans. Beyond the name talent of Korra, there are a hundred voiceover artists more deserving of these spots (though many of them would fall into the Daytime Emmy pool). Show'em some love, Academy. 

Who would you hand out Emmys to this year? Who gave the best Korra performance in Book 2? What’s the best episode writing and/or directing wise? We might has well hold our own ceremony right here.

- Patches

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