1. I wasn’t one to watch horror for the longest time, but once I dipped my toes in, I knew it was inevitable that I’d have to watch this. It’s iconic. Everyone knows it. As such, I don’t really need to write a review, but I figured it would be a thing worth reviewing all the same.

    This movie earned its stripes. It did a fantastic job at storytelling, painting a world, and true suspense. There is dread in every inch of this film, and the acting is amazing. This is also a wonderful example of the late H.R. Giger’s spectacular artwork brought to life. If you  have never witnessed his artwork, it is a very cold and dark but spectacular form of surrealism.

    I really must give it to Ridley Scott. He did a spectacular job in bringing a universe to life in a very real sense. This is pretty much as believable a science fiction horror as can be made. This was the inspiration of so very many amazing works that followed it, including one of my favorite game series. If you ave somehow missed this film like I did, go back and watch it. You will not be disappointed in the least.

    If you like this, share it (tweet, reblog, etc.)! And if you have recommendations, let me know!

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