August 22, 2014
Did Ferguson Cop Darren Wilson Suffer Broken Eye Socket in Struggle With Michael Brown? Apparently No.

According to CNN, Officer Wilson did not fracture his eye socket, as Fox News and others have reported:

Two days ago, Fox News ran an anonymously sourced story claiming that Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Missouri police officer identified as the shooter of Michael Brown, suffered “severe facial injuries” including a broken eye socket during the altercations.

Now, CNN is saying that story is false. Here are tweets by producer Julian Cummings:


This is especially relevant to my recent discussion of The Gateway Pundit’s irresponsible reporting about Officer Wilson’s alleged injury, who continues to claim that Wilson did suffer a fractured eye socket, citing to a Washington Post article which mentions a “family friend” of Officer Wilson as the source.  And since the WaPo article confirms what The Gateway Pundit believes to be true, WaPo is obviously the more credible source, right?  

The fair and balanced thing to do in a situation like this is to simply point out that there are conflicting reports from different sources, which there clearly are.  And if it turns out that the CNN source is right, I’m sure The Gateway Pundit will do a follow-up post retracting his original statement.  I’m sure he’ll get right on that.

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