April 20, 2011
Fifth Wisconsin Republican to be Recalled!


Number five is Alberta Darling (R-Milwaukee), the co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee!  A little over 20,000 signatures were required; around 30,000 were collected. 

Update: There will be a gathering at Kletzsch Park in Milwaukee tomorrow (Thursday) at noon.

5 GOP Wisconsin senators are now to be recalled over Walker’s Union-busting fiasco.

If the Democrats make big gains in state legislatures in 2012, the GOP can thank Scott Walker for igniting the Progressive voting base in this country.  His union-busting bill has very likely guaranteed an electoral windfall for democrats in the next mid-term.

11:00pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/ZMMjnx4TsG6Z
Filed under: politics wisconsin 
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