December 8, 2011
What Were You Doing At Seventeen Years Of Age?

Probably not curing cancer.  I tell you what:

For her design of a cancer-fighting technique that targets tumors and leaves healthy tissue intact, Angela Zhang, of Cupertino, has won a best-of-the-best national science competition and a $100,000 scholarship. She is all of 17 years old.

Zhang, a senior at Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, won the grand prize in the Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology, which funds and recognizes outstanding achievement. She designed a gold-iron oxide nanoparticle to deliver chemotherapy. It’s like sending in a cellphone-carrying ninja to assassinate cancer stem cells and report back while in action.

6:46pm  |   URL:
Filed under: cancer medecine 
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    i’m worried for her that a hundred grand won’t cover all her costs. really.
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