January 20, 2012
"[I]n a recent survey of a range of individuals across the political spectrum, an overwhelming number of those surveyed stated that they would prefer to live in a society that had a more even distribution of wealth than that found in the U.S., and most participants underestimated the degree of wealth disparity in the U.S. Moreover, the survey participants were asked to choose between two hypothetical societies, with different levels of wealth inequality. What they did not know was that they were essentially being asked to choose between Sweden and the U.S. in terms of wealth distribution. Across the political spectrum, an overwhelming number of survey participants – 92 percent –chose Sweden over the U.S., and even study participants who voted for George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election still preferred Sweden to the U.S. by a margin of 9-1."

Ray Brescia, “A Trust Deficit?  Look To The Inequality.”

Disclosure: Ray taught my Civil Procedure class at Albany Law last year.  Interesting side-note: Ray was personally involved in litigation against both the Bush Sr. and Clinton administrations concerning the plight of Haitian refugees at Guantanamo Bay back in the ‘90’s.  You can read about his experience in Storming the Court, available at fine internet bookstores everywhere.

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