July 11, 2013
"That the CIA may be in possession of the world’s most highly classified vacuum cleaner blueprints is but one peculiar, lasting byproduct of the controversial U.S. detention and interrogation program."

Confined to the basement of a CIA secret prison in Romania about a decade ago, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the admitted mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, asked his jailers whether he could embark on an unusual project: Would the spy agency allow Mohammed, who had earned his bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, to design a vacuum cleaner?

Read: AP Exclusive: The CIA and a secret vacuum cleaner

(via brooklynmutt)

LTMC: Sounds like a great plot lead for a new season of “24.”  Where is Kiefer Sutherland when you need him?

“Yes, this is Jack Bauer.  Get me the President.  We need to talk about a vacuum cleaner.”

(via brooklynmutt-deactivated2021090)

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