Icehotel Jukkasjärvi

Spotlight Be sure to follow the @icehotelsweden account on Instagram and visit the ICEHOTEL Jukkasjärvi location page to watch this year’s structure unfold!

At the top of Sweden, in the heart of the arctic circle, a one-of-a-kind hotel is being built in the town of Jukkasjärvi. @IcehotelSweden’s rooms, beds, bar, church, main hall, reception area, and furniture are made up entirely of snow, sculpted blocks of ice, and a base of steel framing.

The hotel was first built in 1990, and is only open between the months of December and April every year. To build the Icehotel, workers harvest tons of ice from the frozen Torne River every spring and store it until the temperature drops low enough in early November for building to begin.