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sometimes I think people with a persecution complex piss me more then people the people who are actually persecuting.

ex. POC who always think that everyone thats white is discriminating against them. 

I’ve experienced a lot of racism in my life, from pretty much every angle. I’m too white to be Korean, but too non-white to be white. And not just your basic non-white, i’ve been hated for being Chinese (which i’m not), Japanese (again not), Mexican (starting too see a pattern here?) I’ve been hated for things I am, things I appear to be. But I don’t let that control my life, and people who do are just sad little creatures.

Even if they do hate on you, and try to fuck you over… who cares. If not for your ethnicity/skin color, they would hate on you because of your religion, or the way you dress, or the way you talk.

But don’t think that everyone hates you, and they want to work against you because of some kind of “societal programming”. I’ve read so many post on tumblr about “white privilege” and all these other kinds of bullshit. It might not be on as wide a scale, or have as big of a historical backing, but the POC who write off white peoples experiences of racism, are just racists themselves. Same with feminists say they aim for equal rights, but overly take the side of women. You are just becoming the very thing you say you are fighting.

I don’t know where i’m going with this, and I could write for hours, but basically. People suck. They will continue to suck. BUT, don’t think that everyone is trying persecute you, or discriminate against you just because they are a member of the group that is doing the discriminating. 

  1. haneulsky posted this