Fav things people are saying about iWatch

Does the Apple Watch Look Good On? Assessing From a Fashion Point of View

It’s definitely a step forward. But does it rewrite the rules of our aesthetic expectations?

No… it doesn’t make you reimagine the whole concept of how a watch you might wear everyday should look…it speaks the visual language of ye olde-fashioned watches.

‘Real Touch’ Messaging On The Apple Watch Is Like A More Intimate Snapchat For Your Wrist

Snapchat may have started out as an easy way to slap a self-destruct mechanism on your sexting habits, but people connected with Snapchat because of the way it changed how they messaged their friends. Picture messaging became conversational, and people connected with the idea of having a less pristine and more realistic window into their friends’ lives.

Real Touch messaging has the potential to take that connection one step further, and Apple seems to be trying to strip conversation down, encouraging a simplified shorthand.

…Think of it like tapping someone on the shoulder, or giving someone’s hand a squeeze. It’ll depend on your relationship with the person, but it’s easy to see how being able to digitally reach out someone’s wrist and make them feel a specific touch could be extremely powerful.

…You can still send traditional messages, but Apple is expanding the spectrum of conversation, filling in and populating the space between intimate, casual, and formal communication.

It means more options so you can tailor your communication to the appropriate tone of the moment, and it’ll likely be the Apple Watch’s biggest draw for teens and those interested in exploring new forms of conversation.