250 Notes


When it rains, it pours… in the NYC subway. 


That’s what they get for building things below sea level.



  1. ravenous-dawn reblogged this from peachofcake
  2. gimmedatbeckita reblogged this from stacylambe and added:
    This is pretty.
  3. ayynako reblogged this from stacylambe
  4. chucky-finster-blog reblogged this from stacylambe
  5. wraisedbywolves reblogged this from silencingthedrums and added:
    The bottom photo (and that time Prince Street was full of snow!) looks like something out of a fantastic...
  6. silencingthedrums reblogged this from publictransitadventure and added:
    Whoa. What stations are these? I remember the Thundersnow a couple of years ago when some of the stations filled up with...
  7. publictransitadventure reblogged this from stacylambe
  8. smokeonthesea reblogged this from stacylambe and added:
    Kee-rist. The rain in NYC!
  9. backseatsandultimatums reblogged this from tgifreitag
  10. ktematerpnon-blog reblogged this from stacylambe and added:
    Please get me out of here.
  11. andfollowyourarrow reblogged this from tgifreitag and added:
    Oh my lord, I am so glad I am home for the month and not in the city.
  12. oldmanfromscene24 reblogged this from tgifreitag and added:
    ^^^ both comments are on point. this is horrifying.
  13. tgifreitag reblogged this from longeaux and added:
    this is actually piss
  14. guyee reblogged this from stacylambe
  15. drakeismyfather reblogged this from stacylambe
  16. xemilyisme reblogged this from staceadilla
  17. saxifandomck reblogged this from stacylambe
  18. stacylambe posted this

