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See tUnE-yArDs’ playful Pee-Wee-styled music video for “Water Fountain” from the forthcoming album ‘Nikki Nack.’



Wow. Who produced this. I want to work for them. Or be them. EDIT: Director: Joel Kefali Producer: Ian Blair / John Curtis Executive Producer: Danielle Hinde DP: Mishka Kornai Production Designer: Megan Burns Animation: Joel Kefali and Robert Wallace Colorist: Alana Cotton @ Images
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    I adore this
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  8. fashiondad420 reblogged this from soundcheckradio and added:
    this is clearly Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared
  9. schmittlesandvittles reblogged this from shmemson and added:
    Wow. Who produced this. I want to work for them. Or be them. EDIT: Joel Kefali Ian Blair / John Curtis Executive...
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